A Different Kind of Gift

This time of year causes the majority of us to begin searching for the perfect gift for our loved ones and friends. In fact, just before Thanksgiving I was in a store doing some other shopping when I decided to look around to see if I could get some ideas for a gift for one of my dear friends. I really wasn’t looking to buy at that moment necessarily; I was just on a reconnaissance mission, I guess you could say. Anyway…suddenly I spied a quirky little Christmas tree that I thought my friend would enjoy. It was so cute and fun that for a brief moment, I considered keeping it for myself. I was thrilled with my find and excited to give it to her! Since I knew that she would be decorating soon for an early Christmas party, I wrapped it up and presented it to her later that very same day. She fairly danced with joy when she opened it. That was just the reaction I was hoping for! It gave me a great deal of pleasure to know that I had given her something that would bring a smile to her face for seasons to come.

Now, we all know that Christmas isn’t about giving the perfect gift to someone and that Jesus is the real reason for the season. Many an article, devotional and blog is written this time of year to remind us of that. And, in spite of the fact that we know that, we will still spend many hours in crowded malls and stores and spend lots of money on presents to put under our trees.

However, I would like to issue a challenge to you this year as you think about what you might give.

A few years ago our finances were tight leading up to the Christmas season. (Why is it that layoffs, downsizing and such always seems to happen right at the holidays?!) We have a large family, so we knew that buying gifts for everyone was out of the question, but I didn’t want to go empty-handed to our family celebration, so I decided to write each and every family member a special letter citing their many wonderful qualities and telling them how very special they were to me. I designed a pretty Christmas paper to print them on and lovingly tucked them into their envelopes.

Each person was deeply touched as they read their letters and even those who were too young to read yet, had eyes that sparkled as they heard what their parents read to them.

Scripture says that “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. Our words have great power in them to bless and encourage others. And, Proverbs tells us that “like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken at the right time.” Those letters, though so simple and not at all some fancy gift purchased at the mall, were like gold to those who received them. They were cherished as if I had spent a lot of money to buy them. What I gave brought life.

Your finances may not be tight this year and you may not be limited at all in what you can give, but why not consider doing what I did? Take out a pen and piece of paper and write a note to those you love that lets them know just how special they are to you? It could be the best present they receive this Christmas season and one that they will cherish for years to come!





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