Parable of the Pumpkins

MinionWe have a large family of five children and seventeen grandchildren. When we all get together, it is quite a crew, but we enjoy our huge family gatherings. Yesterday we established a new, fun family tradition – a pumpkin carving contest. It was a highly anticipated event! We were all excited just to be together, but we were also excited to see what each person would create.

We each came with our pumpkin and design idea, along with the tools needed to carve our own “masterpiece”. After eating lunch, we all gathered outside where long tables and benches had been set for us to work.

While each of us had a pumpkin, they were not all the same. Some were larger than others; some were darker in color. One was even variegated. Some were oblong while others were more round.

We didn’t all have the same tools with which to carve our pumpkins either. Some came with a few simple tools, while others came with more “serious” ones, like a dremel and a large carving knife.

Each person approached the task differently. Some started cutting into their pumpkins right away, while others took the time to “plan” their approach. Some used patterns that they traced onto their pumpkins or scotch taped to them in order to follow carefully their outline and know precisely where to cut. Others just sort of free-handed it. Some were focused and serious about the task while others took a more fun and light-hearted approach. Some chose just to help others rather than carve their own individual pumpkin.

As I was thinking this morning about all the fun we had, here are thoughts that occurred to me:

Just like we each came to the table with the same thing – a pumpkin, every person comes into this world with the same thing – life. But, the “raw material” of our lives is not the same. We each come with inherent personality traits, as well as different physical characteristics that dictate our size and shape.

We do not all come equipped with the same tools with which to carve out our lives, either. We all have our own unique set of skills, talents and abilities and ways of using those tools, but we are given the freedom to carve our lives the way we choose.

Just as with the pumpkins, some of us have a serious approach to any task while others prefer to take a lighter approach. Some of us prefer to have a plan and we stick to it. Others like to be more spontaneous in their creativity.

Some of our pumpkins didn’t turn out as we expected and sometimes our lives don’t turn out the way we planned. Things happen that we didn’t expect or intend.

As I looked at some of the pumpkins, I couldn’t tell what they were supposed to be. least, not until they were filled with light. The picture that accompanies this is a perfect example. One of our granddaughters carved a “minion” (a character from the animated film, Despicable Me). When I looked at it, it looked like a big gaping hole to me. I could not see the intended design. But later, when it was dark outside and the light shined through it, it was obvious and so cute! In fact, each of the pumpkin’s design was better revealed when it was lit with light and our lives are the same. Sometimes life carves what looks like huge gaping holes in us, but when the light of God’s Son shines through those holes, we are able to see His design and it makes sense.

When we finished our pumpkins, we lined them all up and celebrated each person’s creation. No two were alike. Each was unique. And, as humans, we are all unique. Each person deserves to be celebrated for who they are, just as we celebrated our pumpkins!

Celebrate your life and let the Son shine through! Then celebrate His design in others!

I am a speaker/trainer and would love to speak at your next event. To find out more about me, go to


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